The planning and design of racing and equestrian facilities is a specialist task and those who set about it without the requisite expertise on their team do so at their peril. Expensive mistakes can be made by competent designers, simply because they do not have sufficient understanding of the very precise requirements of horses, horsemen and racecourses.
For this reason IRM provides racing and equestrian development consulting services; whether on a stand-alone basis for small projects, or as an integral part of the design and project management team for larger developments. IRM can provide invaluable input and advice at a project’s early stages with respect to concept, site-layout and master planning. Thereafter, IRM can ensure that all the requisite racing, equestrian and technical facilities are correctly integrated into the detailed plans. Moreover, IRM can provide the detailed brief (and design itself if required) for all aspects of the racing and equestrian facilities, e.g. quarantine facilities, stabling, veterinary clinics, officials’ facilities, jockeys’ facilities, technical facilities, paddock & winner’s enclosure, weighing room, medical facilities, etc. And through our technical partner, Fujimi Services, IRM can also provide the full specification for a racecourse’s technical facilities and oversee their design and installation, as well the requisite operator training for racecourse officials/personnel accordingly. For those who require detailed racing and equestrian development advice, investing in IRM’s development consulting services will likely prove to be the most cost-effective way of getting the specialist requirements of your project right, from the beginning. |